Fun Facts for IBS/SIBO Awareness MonthApril is dedicated to raising awareness, offering support, and providing the latest education about irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and...
The Importance of Measuring MethaneElevated methane suggests a condition called intestinal methanogenic overgrowth (IMO) and usually presents itself as constipation.
Is There a Difference Between IBS and SIBO?IBS and SIBO are separate medical conditions, but they commonly coexist. In fact, up to 80% of IBS patients may also have SIBO. SIBO and...
Why Is trio-smart a Superior SIBO Breath Test?trio-smart is the only breath test that can measure the third primary fermented gas, hydrogen sulfide.
What Can a Breath Test Reveal About Your Gut Health?Breath testing measures gasses produced in the gut microbiome that - when abnormal - can indicate specific gastrointestinal conditions.